“Underground Movies,” three-program film series (co-curated with Jenny Perlin) of documentary and experimental films on the literally and/or metaphorically subterranean spaces, Los Angeles Filmforum, Los Angeles, CA. November 2021.
“Adventures in Remix: Appropriation After the Internet,” curated program of experimental film and video work for Uppsala International Short Film Festival, Uppsala, Sweden, October 2018.
“Computer Movies of the 1960s,” film program (co-curated with Gregory Zinman) installed with the exhibition, “To the Moon and Beyond: Graphic Films and the Inception of 2001: A Space Odyssey,” Museum of the Moving Image, Astoria, NY. Summer-Fall 2016.
“FEELINGS,” curated program of experimental video work for online distribution platform (with Rachael Rakes), VDBTV, http://www.vdb.org/tv. October-December 2015. DVD release: September 2016.
“Human, Material, Machine,” month-long film series of works about machinic vision, including introductions and panel discussions (with Lukas Brasiskis), Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania. August 2015.
“HABITAT: Experimental Visions of Montreal,” film program of experimental films and documentaries about the Montreal cityscape (with Brett Kashmere), La Sala Rossa, Montreal, Quebec. March 2015.
“Computer Age: Early Computer Movies, 1957-1987,” two-program special event and film series with introductions (with Gregory Zinman), Ann Arbor Film Festival, Ann Arbor, MI. March 2015.
“Lines and Nodes: Media, Infrastructure, and Aesthetics,” film series (in conjunction with academic symposium), Anthology Film Archives, New York, NY, September 2014.
“Former Islands,” mixed-media exhibition of collaborations between writers and visual artists (with Rachael Rakes), Heliopolis, Brooklyn, NY, June 2014.
“Computer Age: Early Computer Movies, 1957-1982,” weekend-long film series with introductions and panel discussions (with Gregory Zinman), Museum of the Moving Image, Astoria, NY. November 2013.
“Zero Land: Anti-Nuclear Art, Activism, & Research,” exhibition of video and archival materials (with Rachael Rakes), Heliopolis, Brooklyn, NY, February 2013.
“The Installation of the Real: Documentary in the Gallery,” panel discussion (with Rachael Rakes), UnionDocs, Brooklyn, NY, April 2013.
“Structures of Feeling: New Work by Sandra Sitron and Ted Kennedy,” exhibition of painting and moving-image installation (with Rachael Rakes), Heliopolis, Brooklyn, NY, February 2013.
“Not Coming to a Theater Near You,” monthly film series with introductions and discussions, 92Y Tribeca, New York, NY, 2009 – 2013.
“A Color Box,” exhibition of moving-image installation (with Rachael Rakes), Heliopolis, Brooklyn, NY, July 2012.
“The Exiles: Films After the Chilean Coup,” film program and panel discussion (with Rachael Rakes), UnionDocs, Brooklyn, NY, September 2011.